Hallelujah, the sun found Ohio today. I needed to see that sun. Really, really needed it. Against my will, my mother dragged me to Franklin Park Conservatory, “to be inspired and feel the warmth.” [Insert punky eye roll like eighth grade all over.] All I could think was, “But I need to respond to emails and, geez, it sounds like work…”
She wasn’t taking no for an answer. We went.
Gosh, I’m glad. It’s that way with “extras:” I think they’re going to zap me of any energy I’d have for productivity, and they end up giving me more. All the more reason to do it, I know, Mom.
Featured now at the conservatory is the Sacrifice & Bliss exhibit by Aurora Robson, who recycles plastic waste from natural bodies of water and uses them to make breathtakingly beautiful stuff like this. (The exhibit will be up until April 28.)
And these.
Echoing the shapes of Robson’s work are the orchids on display in one of the biomes.
We sat upstairs under the glass, under the sun, and soaked it up. For a moment I actually felt hot. Nearly miraculous in this little tundra, I tell you.
As we walked through the biomes, I thought to myself, “I remember years ago when I would hurry through experiences like this, almost as if to ‘say I experienced it’ and move on to the next fun thing. Today, right now, I’m present. This is the best part of my day. I just want to be here. Right here.”
That was kind of big.
After today’s dose of color, I think I could still use some more. So tonight I’m determined to break out the art supplies my mom and I got on Monday and paint, even if for just 30 minutes.
I’m inspired by this beautiful piece I recently pinned to my Art for My Heart board on Pinterest.
I have a fresh set of oil paints, and I’m ready to dive in. Did I mention how happy I am to have my (bossy) Mom here to make me do the “extras?”
Last and totally least, my color inspiration continues to make its way into my clothing choices. Yesterday I was a mess of color and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
I hope you’re all having a more colorful week than last, too.